Tuesday, July 21, 2009

FISHING?? or something like it.

We decided to take the kids fishing last week for a little family get away. We had a really good time but did not even some much as get a bite. The kids did not care, all they wanted to do was through their line in. They had a contest to see who could throw it the furthest. They then decided to see who could catch the biggest Crawdad. Their were plenty of those around. It took a little convincing for Easton and Jordyn to pick it up and throw it back in. Brittyn was as content as could be just playing in the dirt.

It took Jordyn like 5 minutes before she would pick this thing up.

Easton got it figured out and thought he was pretty cool stuff.

How about that form for a cast. Ashlyn said I was so mean for putting this picture on here. But I couldn't resist.

Cole stringing all the lines.

Jordyn concentrating on what to do next.

Easton just chillin'.

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